Muhammad Mudassar Shahbaz

Success Stories

After graduating with a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from HITEC in June 2017, I moved to Australia in February 2018. Initially employed as a construction laborer in a residential tower project in Sydney, I transitioned to an engineering role within the same company when they recognized my capabilities extended beyond mere laboring tasks.

During my initial year, I made valuable connections which led me to freelance engineering work and subcontracting for my former employer. This enabled me to make more valuable contacts. Collaborating with a former manager, Jim, we established Torinex Consulting Engineers in 2019, with Jim as the owner-director and myself as a shareholder Associate. The company has thrived since then, securing construction design projects across Sydney. Personally, not only I have learned the consulting side of the business, but I am also among the few engineers in New South Wales, holding multiple registrations with the state regulatory body, certifying authority in five different design fields namely Drainage, Fire Hydrants, Sprinklers, Smoke Control, and Mechanical Engineering. My versatile experience enables me to run my business as a one-stop shop for all the Mechanical, Plumbing, Fire, Stormwater, and Civil design services.

In late 2022, I set up an office in Fateh Jang, Pakistan which serves as an extension to my Australian business. Currently, I have employed three other Hitonians from the Mechanical and Civil departments at above-market remuneration and have been providing them with training and learning opportunities.

While I acknowledge progress, I consider success an ongoing journey and there is a long way to. I have been inspiring fellow Hitonians since 2018 when the unemployment rate was very high in Australia. My message to all young engineers at HITEC is that you will never become successful without a Plan and from my personal experience, I can tell that it won’t happen by accident or via luck. Gone are the days of conventional employment. Job hunting is beyond borders now and your end goal should be to run a business. Consider every new day an opportunity to try even harder and every setback an opportunity to perform even better.

Yours faithfully,

Torinex Consulting Engineers

NSW Design Practitioner

Muhammad Mudassar Shahbaz
BSc (Mech) Adv Dip (Mgmt.) MIEAust NSW PRE (Mech)
Department of Mechanical Engineering